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See you later, Cole. "How do you know?"
Esmme is offline
Old 11-02-2013, 07:44 AM

Noctis nodded slowly, seeing the plan as Coventina formed it. "I will choose Valen." Uncertainty flickered through his maroon eyes, but he didn't change his mind. "He is rough, and will be difficult to deal with. If we convince him of this, then others will be more open to listening." Still ... the thought of combining packs would be difficult for many of the Earth clan to swallow. They ruled with pride and anger, and a fierce sense of loyalty to their Earth-bound ways. They were very much opposed to change, though Noctis hoped that his leadership might change that now.

For the first time, he felt a twinge of fear pull at his mind. What would happen if the others didn't rally around Valen?

He wasn't allowed to think much longer, however. Coventina's arms around him brought him back from his thoughts. He chuckled at her humming, and allowed her to pull him into a dance ... which he swiftly took control over. Her joy chased away any doubts about his own pack, and Noctis allowed his laugh to join hers.

As they fell, Noctis landed with Coventina above him. He hadn't wanted her getting hurt. His usual anger was replaced with an equally strong emotion, though this one didn't carry a hard edge. This one was different. This was a fire, yes, but it was beautiful. And it burned strong, bright, and fierce ... all for Coventina.

Noctis' fingers teased the hair about her features, his smile widening slowly with every one of Coventina's words. His eyes closed, and his features warmed briefly as she gently toyed with his navy hair.

"You deserve to be accepted," he whispered, slowly opening his eyes to meet her gaze. "You're bright." The word carried more meaning than just intelligence, though he made no further effort to explain. "And you've shown me something that no one in my pack ever could." Coventina had brought compassion and gentleness into his life. And to think, she'd first met him back when he'd come to see what destruction Vengeance had first sowed. He'd come without invitation, and with a biting tongue and pride-filled demeanor.

She'd shown him that pride and strength weren't the only things that made an alpha strong. It was Coventina's empathy and kind heart that had once welcomed him as an alpha when he first took his place. It was her heart that had calmed his fiery temper with her peace offerings and soothing words.

"I love you," he said quietly, pulling Coventina toward him so he could steal a kiss. "I accept you, just as you accept me." Noctis looked slightly uncomfortable as he continued, as though he were tying a bandage too tightly. "I have always been good at fighting. Peace... is new. You'll have to show me how to keep it." Everything he said was spoken bluntly, and truthfully. Yes, he was an excellent warrior. And no, he had never truly striven for peace. He was definitely going to need a guiding hand.

"You trusted me before I ever deserved it." His red eyes filled with emotion again, and their close proximity allowed Coventina to feel the hot flash of profound relief, gratitude, and something a bit stronger than mere fondness.

((omg, I just read back for the first 5 pages of the rp. They are so great. haha, just reading about them... argh, my heart. <3

Also ... Valen. This Valen will be similar to the warrior that first accompanied Noctis to the Water tribe's camp, methinks. Armor, black wolf, warrior.... mmm. Yes. I'll start looking for some smexy pictures. >:3 I mentioned that he was older than Noctis, though I'm not sure by how much. I also mentioned that he thought Noctis' actions were "childish and unrefined." This is going to be interesting.... *takes the elder warrior from the beginning of teh thread and changes him drastically, since that one died*))

"My mind is ..." He was about to lie, and say that it was fine and normal. Landon realized that his actions said nothing of the sort, and would quickly betray him. "Strange. I can't control my dreams."

The scrapper caught the clothes that were thrown at him, startled at the sudden action. Was there anger behind her actions? How much had she seen, or suspected?

Landon's unspoken questions were answered as she told him to leave.

His blue eyes filled with such an equal amount of horror and guilt, that he had to look away from Jazereth as she braided her hair. Gripping the fresh clothes, Landon let his emotionless features be. He couldn't bring himself to show emotion, though his eyes revealed plenty of it.

A rush of blinding hot rage shot at Jazereth, so sudden that Landon himself seemed startled. "I'm sorry." Again, he was apologizing. The male turned away from the Fire alpha, taking a slow breath before slipping his shirt over his head. There was a long silence before he spoke again. This time his words were just as guarded as his expression.

"I vowed my loyalty to you," he said, batting down the anger that threatened to rise within him once again. Every emotion he felt, Jazereth felt. It was as though she'd tapped into, cured, and taken a small piece of him with her. "You defied the other alphas to prove my innocence." It was clear after that point that his anger wasn't directed at Jazereth. It was directed at himself.

Landon turned to face Jazereth, his blue eyes startlingly piercing in that moment. He didn't shy away from her gaze as a scrapper would have. Instead, he silently allowed her to view the scars that marred his left shoulder and chest. "I fought for you," he said bluntly, no emotion slipping into his voice. "I nearly lost my life. No one noticed. No one told you, no one cared. No one noticed the little scrapper."

Suddenly, Landon felt his rage returning. "What else must I do to prove my loyalty to you, Jazereth?" His voice rose. This was the most emotion that Landon had ever shown anyone in the Fire pack. This was different, and this was what was beneath his scrapper's facade.

Once again, the burning anger flit through both of their emotions. He was so angry ... angry with himself. Landon couldn't leave his place with Jazereth - it was essential that he stay. Though he wanted to leave, duty told him he couldn't. That, and suddenly he was struggling with emotion for Jazereth. All of this was starting to wear on him, and with his mental barrier down....

"Don't push me away after what you just did." She'd saved him. He'd fought for her. It would all be false and a lie if he walked away now.

---------- Post added 11-02-2013 at 01:20 AM ----------

((PS: I lied. I just found out that I'd really like Valen to be Fenris instead. <3 I miss this guy too much.

Picture 1 - His lovely face
Picture 2 - His lovely face... in COLOR
Picture 3 - Armor :D

His wolf form, though with blue markings instead of red.

Yup. Fenris. <3 That will be the stubborn warrior that Earth clan chooses to fight against the alphas. And ... he is a mean, stubborn BUTT. I mean, I plan on making him more moody than Noctis.... >__>"))
Es apologizes for any delays - she has just moved and is piecing things together again. If Es is behind on something, feel free to poke her.

Last edited by Esmme; 11-02-2013 at 08:26 AM..