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Old 11-07-2013, 12:11 AM

Being told from Gemini that she had known of the northern beasts of the game were quite difficult, but this being the first of her hearing of such a beast that caused memory loss, he took a sharp breath to himself that he didn't lose anything more than just his memory. As the other woman had made her way to poke at the camp fire to bring a bit more life back to it, just from listening to her words about how she was fine and her introduction being all so plain, Kirito had become slightly speechless of what to say next. "So..umm.." Those were the only words that he was able to speak out until the rapid footsteps of something arriving caught his attention.

Turning his head over to see that it was the same wolf that had ran off into the forest for hunting that had returned with some sort of animal, Kirito had stayed silent and remained seated as to where he was. Watching as how Naomi had skinned the animal of it's fur and began to cook it by the fire, he stared deeply into the camp fire, trying to figure out anything to say to these new people that had rescued him. " Naomi, Miss Gemini. May I ask what you two are doing this far out north?" He questioned them, even if Kirito had lost a bit of memory of what had happened to him, he still remembered quite well the reason to why he had went out that far north to the mountains.

He had remembered going to an old village and being told from an elderly woman that there was a great treasure that was hidden deep within one of the mountains that was told to grant a wish to each adventurer that could reach it. Maybe one of the wishes he could get was to leave this game or at the very least, cure him of this curse. Just the thought of the curse going through his head had caused Kirito to reach his free hand over to grasp a hold of the bandaged arm he still despised.