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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 11-09-2013, 04:53 AM

((This is going to be super long, I apologize in advance. ^^;))

Ilyas burst into the throne room, uncaring that there were quite possibly important state affairs taking place within the chamber. The interior guard stood at attention as he entered but the prince ignored them, choosing instead to focus his attention on the group before the sultan’s throne. It looked like some sort of peasant dispute. Ilyas could never believe that his father had the patience for such petty affairs… Ignoring the two simpletons who had turned to look at him, Ilyas approached his father. He opened his mouth to speak, but the sultan quickly silenced him with a wave of his hand.

Irritated, Ilyas waited impatiently as his father dismissed the two petitioners. As soon as the doors were sealed shut behind them, the young prince allowed his anger to flare verbally. ”What’s this I hear the servants tell? Zahid has gone missing and no one deemed me worthy to be informed?”

”Now now,” the sultan’s adviser intervened, ”Your father is a busy man. The matter has already been dealt with…”

”So Zahid has returned?” Ilys asked flatly.

This time it was his father who spoke, ”No, my son, but he will be returned to us soon, I am sure. I have sent my personal guards to deal with this matter. Why don’t you call some pretty girl to your bed to amuse yourself whilst you await his return?”

Ilyas snorted. That was his father’s solution for everything, ‘go amuse yourself with bed sport and make me more sons’. Ilyas could care less about his harem for the most part. He enjoyed their company from time to time, but dealing with jealous feminine rivalry wasn’t really his thing…

How can you think about women at a time like this?” Ilyas contoured angrily, ”My brother is missing, possibly even dead! I think I will go find him myself since you show so little regard for your first born son…”

The adviser's jaw fell, ”You little swine! How dare you accuse your father of such disregard? And have you lost your reason? One son gone and you want to leave just like that? If Zahid is dead, then you will need to be here to take his place!”

”I will not lie with a woman between my legs as my brother is in danger!” Ilyas fumed.

”Then make yourself useful and participate in these hearings, the experience could serve you well in the future,” the sultan pleaded.

Ilyas rolled his eyes and stormed out of the room. ’Well that didn’t go as planned…’ he though as he made his way to his brother’s room. The hallway to Zahid’s camber was littered with servants unsure of what to do in the master’s absence. Some of his harem sat crying on the floor while others stood in various states of shock and confusion. Ignoring them as if they were statues, Ilyas entered his brother’s room and took in the scene that greeted him.

The curtains that veiled the garden were in tatters and signs of struggle were apparent. Drops of blood could be seen here and there on the floor and a girl lie dead on the bed. It was obvious that the assailants had entered and exited through the garden. Zahid had put up a struggle but was ultimately captured.

What was left of his anger quickly turned to fear. From the looks of things, his days as the second son were numbered. Though he held no true love for his brother, Zahid had effectively acted as his buffer against responsibility. Ilyas wanted to enjoy his life, not spend it cooped up in meetings of the state. If something happened to Zahid, the freedom he had been allowed would be permanently revoked.

With that in mind, he would go out and rescue Zahid himself, not out of love, but rather concern for his own cushy lifestyle. His venture would be dangerous but Ilyas preferred to die on some grand adventure than between palace walls of old age or some political strife.