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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 11-22-2013, 01:10 AM

I may have spoken too soon… The subway commute this week has been pure HELL. V_V

There was a turn like that that I used to have to take when I lived back with my mom. It was nearly impossible to do to begin with and then they transformed the four lanes into three and it got even more difficult to turn after that. >.<

True, true! I tend to have quite different tastes in things than others: food, movies, music, etc.

Uh… I played the stock market? >.> I’m trying to save up just a bit more gold and then I’ll go on my spending spree. Aw, you make a very cute hummy though! Also the monster game tallies are up but you’ve probably seen it already and I totally did not guess right at all on that murder mystery thing. V_V That was probably the last time I can participate in a thread like that anyway so I won’t have to stress about it next time.

Hehe, which super heros do/did you think are hot? I remember watching Batman when I was a kid because I spent a lot of time with my two male cousins growing up. They took turns playing Barbies and My Little Pony with me though so I guess it was only fair. ^^;

It’s a manga about the zodiac. Each animal in the zodiac has a human equivalent but when they get hugged by a girl they turn back into their animal form. Or at least that’s what I remember it being about. O. o

I usually am very careful! It’s only recently that I’ve been having problems with my glasses like that. I’ve actually been wearing my old glasses for a week so far. I’m trying to get the other ones replaced under warranty. Apparently if they are less than a year old they might be able to fix it for free. I’m kind of pissed that no one at the glasses place actually told me about that when I mentioned to them that my glasses were broken. I’m glad I asked. It’s not certain that they’ll fix it though so I’m keeping my fingers crossed. Still, I’m impatient to have my glasses back because I’m having a hard time reading signs and such. They should have been done already but I called and supposedly the warranty department still hasn’t decided if they are going to fix it or not.

I did this technique with my hair the other night where you put a hairband around your head and roll your hair around it. It made these awesome curls! I’m debating getting a perm now but I dunno… I had them when I was a kid and they were terrible but the curls I got were really tight and done all the way from the top of my head to the bottom. If I had it done, I’d ask to have really loose curls done and to have them start level with my ear so it doesn’t look so poufy and gross. ^^;

I’ve never heard of Legionnaires. I used to really like Teen Titans though!

Looks like it's my turn to get punished this time. >.<