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Tachigami's Personal Slave

NekoLen is offline
Old 11-23-2013, 10:53 PM

Codi smiled as he watched the ducks and beautiful swans paddle about the lake, dabbing their flat beaks into the water in search of the insects that lived on the surface of the water. He felt so peaceful watching them, as though nothing bad had ever happened to him. He was lost in his own mind, thinking deeply about things he had never thought about. Sam had done this to him, he knew this. But he had done this so he would be safe. And Codi would never take it back. He was happy now, with Sam looking after him. He didn't have to worry about strange men asking him for things and then beating him up, or where he'd get his next meal from...

"I'd like to see," he replied after awhile. His legs were paining him again, but he said nothing to Sam. He could be brave and tolerate the pain for awhile longer.