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deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 11-25-2013, 09:36 AM

AFeel your way onward
1 Space

Things are going to go slow-- let's be honest that's more because you don't want to bump your shins into anything than trample anyone-- but you manage to find your way out of the middle of the cloud by dropping to your hands and knees and bear-crawling forward however there were a few times your hands got trapped under some shoes... Ouch!

B Use an umbrella
2 Spaces

You have to admit it was a very good thing you sprang for the heavy duty umbrella! For a few minutes you're more concerned with keeping the confetti off of your rock'n doo but when it becomes clear you're not going to get anywhere in a hurry by bumping around in the crowd you use your umbrella as a people-plow to get out of the colorful chaos and back to hunting down your last gift!

C Use a massive fan
0 Spaces

Suckers! You were so prepared for this moment... everyone better get out of the way! As soon as the first flecks of confetti start to drop down you pull a massive fan out of... where did you even get that, anyways? You laugh maniacally as you turn it on and rush forward for your glorious gift which awaits you but are suddenly tugged backwards as the cord reaches it's limit. Next year you'll have to remember the extension cords!

Last edited by Mythos; 01-04-2014 at 05:52 AM..