Thread: Cimmerian
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Artifex is offline
Old 11-28-2013, 02:22 PM

The shadows were swirling around her, Cimmerian screamed but they only closed in tighter, creating a greyish-black cocoon and blocking her vision of the rest of the large white room.

"Stop resisting it" the voice of the scientist spoke, unimpeded by the dark cocoon.

"I can't! Adam! Help!" she pleaded. It had started off simply enough. She vaguely remembered her life before coming here but what she did know was that these shadows had always been drawn to her. It was only now that they were running out of control. She fell to her knees, tears welling up in her eyes. Why were they becoming so much stronger? They were growing out of control.

"You can do this" Adam replied firmly, "Remember what we talked about. Breathe, be calm."

She took one shaky breath and then another. Shutting her eyes tightly she forced herself to relax. Focusing on her heart beat she managed to get it to slow down, beat by beat.

"I told you you could do it" Adam smiled, tilting Cimmerian's chin up. His touch caused her to open her eyes and see that the shadows had retreated to the walls and were relaxing as she was.

With a joyous yelp she bounced at him and wrapped her arms around the scientist, "I did! Thank you Adam! I did it!"

"It's a good thing we brought you in when we did" Adam patted her on the back and she finally let him go, "Your powers have been advancing very quickly. If this had happened out there, you could have harmed innocent others and yourself."

Smiling, she nodded, "I am very grateful." her gentle brown eyes were wide and innocent, she believed every word of it. That they had found her on the brink of her powers losing control. They of course had to lock her up for her own safety while they figured out how to help her and now that they knew what to do, things would get better. Adam was brilliant, he had even come up with a little serum to help her out-and it was a good thing to because not long after he started giving her the shots, her powers were growing out of control! But with his kind words of guidance, she always managed to handle it just fine.

Adam had saved her...