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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 12-05-2013, 01:34 AM

Ringing woke him with a start. He sat up straight, wild eyed and breathing loudly. It took a few moments for William to realize what had happened. He fell back with a groan and closed his eyes tight. The first day of class, and to be awoken in such a way! William wasn't used to it, he hated it! It was so early. "Why ... Why did you have to set it so early!" Grumbling, he threw the blankets off and slipped his feet into a pair of slippers, set by the bed for precisely that reason. From his closet, the young man pulled a white dress shirt, and grey dress pants, from the closet.

He glanced at Angel for a few moments before walking into his bathroom and slamming the door shut.He flung his clothing around, and plunged into the shower. Once done, he dried and combed his hair carefully, dressed himself impeccably and washed his face. Pursing his lips, he looked at himself in the mirror for a few moments, taking account of his aristocratic good looks, his grey eyes and strawberry blonde hair. He would make a good impression at least.

Nodding to himself, William stepped from the bathroom while adjusting the cuffs of his shirt.