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BrotherOfDarkness is offline
Old 12-08-2013, 02:18 AM


Harry slumped in his seat, if that's what these pigeon holes passed as, he had more room in his broom closet, that was so tiny, he didn't even have the room to change his mind. Harry dozed slightly, he had chosen the only seat where the god damned air didn't work, but it was okay the constant coughing from the fat lump of lard next to him gave him all the breeze and germs he needed. Seemed like it was endemic, another cough could he heard elsewhere on the plane, I hope that one isn't a bag of grease like this fella. Harry swore the plane could pass for an emergency room, with the atmosphere of coughing, sneezing,whispering, and the damn humidity. Only difference is there were probably less drunks in the hospital! He took a sip from the short glass in front of him, half filled with dark brown liquid, and the small remnants of an ice cube. He could hear the gossiping of the passengers. No one specifically of interest, the passenger manifesto seemed pretty a ok too.

"And what would you want"

He heard a couple of aisles back

"Could I have a sprite and the chocolate chip cookies"

Harry put up, with the crunching and coughing and chatting for longer, gritting his teeth, maybe a few more drinks and he could sleep, best wait though at least till he had somewhere to lay down properly. He opened a newspaper and read through the articles for a third time. As if somehow by magic, he would suddenly understand what the current affairs columns were writing about, and realise that these politicians actually didn't need euthanising, and orang-utans put in their place.

The man next to him came over with his coughs again, an attendant leant over to speak to him
"Are you okay?" The man nodded, while covering his mouth with a handkerchief, the attendant was a busty red head, slightly older than the other members of staff, Harry had noticed her earlier, and he was definitely getting the scenic view of mountains, the attendant glanced up, and noticed him looking
"Enjoying the view mister?" She whispered quietly, and sarcastically.
Without looking away Harry answered with his harsh cigar worn voice

" yerr but I'm waiting for touch down to find out what the ride is like?"

She tutted before standing up and storming off, he swore he saw the slight hint of a smirk in the corner of her mouth, as she went to attend someone else.

After looking over the crossword again, trying to figure nine down, 'Insect with border song' six letters beginning in 'a' and ending in 'm'

There was a slight drop and juddering on the plane, the rattle and clinking of glass spread down the craft. Harry simply closed his eyes thinking of a rather helpful red headed flight attendant, a few people murmured. The attendant spoke again"Don't worry guys, it's just alittle turbulence, all is well."

After some time of Harry attempting to keep, life in his legs, and a bathroom break he managed to fill out the most of the crossword, but that bloody nine down, he tore the puzzle out carefully, and folded it unevenly, before placing it in his inside jacket pocket. the intercom interrupted his genius thought process
"We will be arriving shortly at the Boston Logan International Airport, and we would like to thank you for choosing JetBlue Airways. We hope you had a wonderful flight"

Fantastic, just as he was staring to enjoy himself, being cooped up like the luggage, and that man finally had stopped coughing, and moving around, like a wind-chime in a fart.... Yerr maybe a little too still, swell! That bloated son of a bitch better not have gone and had a heart attach or something on me? Harry leant over slightly, and pointed his finger at the mans cheek, with a harsh push he poked the mans face, his,finger pushing into the mans gum hard, the mans face covered with beads of sweat, slowly lopes sidewards, and then thumps back towards Harry, ending up laying on his shoulder.

Harry raises his hand up, the attendant notices him, but turns to speak to a colleague

"Hey missy"

The attendant continues to ignore him pretending she is engrossed in conversation

"Hey missy"

Harry repeats louder this time, and this time the attendant roles her eyes,,and strides over to Harry "We are about to land sir, please fasten your seatbelt!"

"Look sugar, I may have had some funny ideas when I was younger with the likes to the fairer sex, and how to woo a lady, I even tried buying flowers once, turns out they don't appreciate self raising, but I try not to make a habit out of using dead guys as a pick up line"

"What do you mean?" She looked confused at first, then her eyes flickered to the man still leaning on Harry's shoulder "do you... Do you mean he's..."

"Dead? No he just really like my aftershave, and we can't wait for our honeymoon, look lady just listen, just let the captain know, to radio ahead and get an ambulance ready okay?"

Harry pulled out his badge from his pocket, and held,it low for her to see, but still keep,it concealed.

"We don't want to alarm anybody okay?"

"Okay" she makes to leave, but just as she does, Harry grabs for her arm

"Wait one more thing, can you do me a favour?"

"Why, er yes sure" her demeanour a lot more softer know, and seeming a bit flustered

"Can you give me you number"

She gasps, and splutters something, before rushing off. Harry smirks a bit before picking up his drink, and taking another sip. He arcs his neck slightly towards the literally dead weight next to him


And with that he pushes the guys face back with the palm of his hand, the man slumping in his seat, the passengers on the other aisle glancing over whispering to each other. Harry leans towards them.

"Jet lag, his dead tired"

Last edited by BrotherOfDarkness; 12-08-2013 at 02:37 AM.. Reason: Oh bugger took me too long to write it will edit it soon