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Old 12-08-2013, 09:24 AM

After walking away from the two females, Yukito had began to make his way back towards the village. He had known that the homework that was given to him earlier was to go search the ruins near the back of the school and all, but if he had ended up going to one of his first class of the new year early; that meant that the homework he had received was much too early to get done just right away. He had plenty of time to go do what he needed done before he would actually go off and do something that was probably going to need to be turned in the next day. Shrugging off the thought, Yukito had soon arrived at his home near the more poorer sections of the village.

His home was a bit more rundown but it was still something, compared to having nothing at all. Grasping a hold of the knob, he had to force the door open slightly so that he would be able to get into his own home. Once inside, Yukito had the door behind him and looked around the room for a moment; even though the outside may had looked a bit like trash, the inside was pretty well furnished. "Azaiah!..I'm home!" He called out to his pet as a small fiery bird quickly bolted out from the corner of his eye from a dark room on the side. He chirpped happily to hear that Yukito was home after his day. Quickly the small bird had decided to land onto his shoulder as it nuzzled itself against his cheek softly. Chuckling lightly at the nuzzle, Yukito had petted Azaiah on the head softly before making his way over towards the kitchen. "Sorry to had left you home all this time. You're going to come with me right after we get you something to eat real quick." He had stated before reaching into one of the smaller cabinets to pull out a piece of bread. Holding it over towards Azaiah to peck at the bread; once it was completely gone, Yukito had nodded to know that the phoenix was full. "Alright, lets get going shall we?"