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Naruto forever
I lied. I'm like 200% gay
Naruto forever is offline
Old 12-10-2013, 10:25 PM

Danni carefully grabbed the small piece of paper from the young boy and looked down at the number that was messily scribbled down. He was about to speak to the kid again when a man who had once been walking towards them fell to the floor. Danni looked up to see a bandaged up Asian, holding a large bag. He nodded at the bandaged man’s words, knowing they were true. But Danni couldn’t just grab some random kid who was waiting for his brother! Wouldn’t that be considered kidnapping? Sure it was obviously chaos in here, maybe even outside, so maybe it wouldn’t really be considered kidnapping, but Danni wasn’t about to take his chances. No way, not when he had a record deal coming up.

That is…if the deal is still there. I mean, if it’s like this everywhere…. No. No it can’t be. This has to just be some random mix up. It can’t be everywhere, Danni reassured himself, not allowing himself to get even more anxious. He really was no good in situations like these.

“He’s…this kid. I don’t know him,” Danni spoke to the bandaged male, “I can’t just take ‘im, you know? He’s waitin’ for someone—his brother, he said.”

As if on cue a woman walked up the kid, along with yet another Asian man holding a young girl, and demanded if the kid was the man’s brother. Danni looked back and forth between the two, and could see slight resemblances. Although, he couldn’t be sure, he simply assumed that the two were siblings. He felt himself relax slightly, slouching a bit more, but instantly became tense once a blood curling scream echoed throughout the room. It was as if the world was telling him that this way no time to be relaxing, not even the slightest bit.

His eyes zoomed across the room, watching as some people fell to the ground, dead, and others were…they were being…eaten? They were being eaten by some of the monstrous things that were limping around the room. Surely this wasn’t real. Surely this had to be a movie shooting, right?

That’s some damn good make up though…and acting, he thought shakily. His eyes followed the sound of a gunshot, and saw a security shooting down some people. No, this wasn’t a movie then. Because those guns were real, and the blood on the ground was even more so real.

“Your…your right,” he spoke the female with a slightly shaky voice, though he knew that she hadn’t really been speaking to him, “We should all leave. It looks…it looks disastrous.”

His mind went back to the song he had been listening to moments before. How ironic he had been listening to that specific song. How ironic indeed. It seemed as though that Danni himself was now in that situation. He stood up, his anxiety seeming to rise slightly, and his eyes slid towards his guitar. If they were going to running away from these…these monsters, carrying his guitar would surely slow him down. But Danni found that he couldn’t bring himself to leave it. It was an important part of him, and he couldn’t leave it. Maybe, just maybe if he found it being too much of a hassle, then he’d drop it, but for now he was keeping it.

Anyways, I’m sure I can swing it at a couple of these things, he thought with a smirk, running his hand through his hair.

His eyes scanned the area once more, a nervous habit of his. He had to look around for some reason; it almost seemed to calm him down. Well, it did most of the time. In situations like this, it seemed to make everything worse. But maybe if he scanned the area carefully enough, he’d be able to see another human being. He shook his head. No, everyone here was human; some were just…just…something. Messed up. What he meant was, maybe if he looked, he’d be able to see someone who wasn’t messed up, or dead. He eyes searched, but he honestly was having a hard time telling the difference between people who were messed up, and people who weren’t.

He let out another sigh, and grabbed his guitar case with rather shaky hands. They may as well leave now, before the…the things got them.