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The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 12-11-2013, 08:30 AM

Name: Axsher Rhett
DOB: September 21
Occupation: Artist
Looks: 5' 10" and slightly tan. Shaggy blond hair and light green eyes with flakes of gold. Fit, has six pack. Looks German but has a Texan accent. Has no tattoos or piercings.
Personality: changes thoughts fast; one minute talking philosophical then the next talks about unicorn poop. Usually very optomistic. Loves to read and stares at the sky a lot. Doesn't like being pushed around and tends to take dominant roles in everything.
Clothes: wears a suit jacket with graphic t-shirts underneath it with jeans and Osiris'.
Random facts: is a cannabal. Enjoys drawing what he does to get food.