Thread: Threat Level
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See you later, Cole. "How do you know?"
Esmme is offline
Old 12-13-2013, 12:03 AM

The door opened for the second time that evening, distracting Vlad from his observation of the fake city streets below his supposed balcony. There was no knock, no warning - just an introduction.

"Two visits in one night." Vlad watched Hime with a predatory expression. "I suppose I should feel honored."

The candles had been lit again, and the dim lighting lingered on Hime's golden hair and small stature. Vlad found himself immediately feeling the urge to either crush her or chase her out. Neither of those options were optimal, sadly.

Turning away from the red-colored city street beside him, Vlad eyed Hime for a few moments before responding. "Reassignment," he said, looking disgusted. "Again." The tall male stepped away from the digitized wall, bringing himself closer to the girl. "The agency does enjoy keeping me on my toes, now don't they?"

He could sense the energy in this girl. She was, quite frankly, a little spitfire trapped in a small being. Vlad wasn't happy with reassignment - he hated the sense of domination that took place as the other criminals tested their boundaries, and he hated needing to remind the team lead that he wasn't fond of what they had to say.

Vlad's expression shifted, and his teal eyes moved to the window across the room. "Why get to know one another? I am being used to further the agency's progression." Hands behind him, he casually moved to stand a few feet from Hime, looking down at her with a slight smile. She was so small.... "Everything you need is in my file."

Then again... what was the harm in toying with an agent's mind? He wasn't going to harm her....

"Hime, is it? What do you need to know, little one?"