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BrotherOfDarkness is offline
Old 12-17-2013, 08:49 PM

Aneja, may not have been threatened by the widow Harper, on that she wasn't sure, but she made Aneja feel uncomfortable enough, besides 'you don't bite the hand that feeds you' "er yer well okay" she answered, and watched the widow display the net.
She watched as the lizard lady tried to sniff out something, and as the dark skinned man, obviously now some kind of sorcerer, attempt to do some kind of magic, before letting out a sneeze. She watched the lizard lady closely as she still spoke to the widow.
"Well I still think it's critters, and gonna snare the blighters" she started to use some silken thread from the rope that she had wrapped around her, to try to create snares around the area near the peaches "and I'm gonna wait around tonight to cath' em, I don't know what the rest of ya are doing?" As she tried tying loops and hitches she thought out aloud "ever thought about taking those damned ribbons off? A bit o a calling card, saying hey eat me I'm ripe!"

Roll to make snares The 20-sided dice lands on 5 (loose a foot of rope for threads.)

Last edited by BrotherOfDarkness; 12-17-2013 at 09:10 PM..