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Tachigami's Personal Slave

NekoLen is offline
Old 12-19-2013, 04:03 AM

Damon's home... Tavi wanted to see it very much. He hoped it wasn't in a city like this one, where so many humans walked so close together and stopped to stare at him as they passed. He wondered how far away it was and how they would get there. Would they have to ride in those large "cars" again? Tavi didn't like them very much.

He was glad to be out in the open once again, and away from the mummies. Something about them made him feel... weird. Like he was looking into his own soul. He couldn't think of any words to say, so he simply purred when Damon petted him. It seemed that Damon had experienced something similar to what he had, and looked just as disturbed. "Tavi likes Damon."