Thread: Letters
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The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 12-28-2013, 05:20 PM

Chase was laying in bed on his back. His clothes were strewn around his room and chuckled as he red the letter.

Dear Nate,

The hospital said it was just a cold. Which im thankful for. Ha! Im glad that you think that way. Its nice thinking that people are okay with me for who I am. Sorry that sounds weird. Im on dayquil so im sorry foe weirdness.

School is just that. I considered it more like jail. I mean you loose all your freedoms and what not... anyway I have been taking tea regularly. And I've been feeling good. Well better sort of.

Sorry this is so short.,

He rolled off the bed and walked out of the livingroom and down to the mailbox thinking to himself, "This kid is totally getting to me. I think im falling for him." He blushed at this and covered his mouth as he placed the letter in and walked back to his loft. Feeling way better than when he wrote the last one.