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TricksterJANE is offline
Old 01-01-2014, 07:42 AM

The room continued swirling and stewing for only a few moments after Grim left, the shadow monster folded back into itself and disappeared into the edges of the fast-fading room. Lizabeth suddenly felt dizzy, placing a hand on her head she started to sway, falling backward into the nothingness that had ripped through the room and exploded into a void of color and sounds.

It went black and white and black again before she awoke, heat was engulfing her and she could barely breath. It felt as if a thin mist had settled on her skin and was attempting to suffocate her, the darkness choking and the heat unbearable.

"This must be Hades," she thought, twisting around on the soft dirt underneath her. "Not as bad as I thought it would be, much better than my nightmares with that awful voice."

She pressed a hand against the veil of whatever it was, in front of her face, to her surprise it gave away, pushing upward and letting a small amount of light in. She pressed harder and the whole thing gave away, and she was greeted with the sight of her own bedroom, her wrinkled blanket clutched in her fist.

"Oh hell," she sighed. "Getting paranoid, huh? Just like the voice said."