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Stalker Ninja
PrincessKasumi is offline
Old 01-03-2014, 05:20 AM

Violet was all but running around frantically in her room looking for her scrunchie. She could have sworn she put it on her night stand. When she looked at the clock on the night stand she pouted. "Argh, I'm going to be late I need to go." She left her room and went right next door which was shower that she shared with fraternal (not identical) younger twin.She took off her satin night cap then turn on the warm hot water for the shower. As she waited for it become to the desired temperature that she wanted she put on her shower cap and tucked in all the hair she could, then she stripped down and jumped into the shower.

It didn't take long, maybe somewhere around ten minutes to fifteen minutes. Either way she was out and had a towel wrapped around her torso, which stopped about mid thigh. Violet, took off the shower cap and and placed it in the basket they had on a stand that was place over the back of the toilet. Once she did that she went back into her room closed the door and dropped the towel to the floor. Hazel eyes looked toward her open closet and scanned the clothing items she could see. She quickly walk over to the closet and pulled out a white backless hoodie, and shiny grey tights. She threw the clothes on her bed then went into her dresser to pull out some underwear.

After she had slipped on her underwear, pants and hoodie, she debated whether or not she should put on a bra even though it would show. Deciding against it quickly she slipped on some clean socks she had randomly laying around and then went back into her closet and grabbed her a pair of small black boots. Violet went to her bed and grabbed her black laptop bag which already had her laptop in it, grabbed her car keys and dashed out the door without a word. Violet unlocked her convertible eclipse and slipped inside, placing her laptop bag on the passenger seat and started up her car. Before she took off however she noticed there was a hair tie in the cup holder. I don't remember putting this here? she thought as she quickly put her hair in a high ponytail.

She couldn't start her day without grabbing a Cinnamon French Toast Latte, they were just so delicious. Can't believe I overslept, ugh she sighed as she pulled out of the driveway and headed for the closet cafe which was a local one for her. Once she arrived she grabbed her laptop bag, locked her car and slipped inside. It seems there were quite a few people inside already. She looked around with her hazel eyes and a found a spot close to the door. She made a bee line to the counter. When Violet got there, there was someone picking up something that looked somewhat like glass.

Last edited by PrincessKasumi; 01-03-2014 at 06:02 AM.. Reason: Original post was wrong