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I put the K in "Misspelling"

Assistant Administrator
Knerd is offline
Old 01-04-2014, 04:14 PM

Originally Posted by Knerd View Post

What can I post? What can't I post?

- All Menewsha's rules regarding spam still apply to this forum. You are allowed to double post within your own thread, but you may not repeatedly override the post merge function in order to gain more gold. Please post reasonably and on topic.

Posting multiple times in a row, within your own thread, is perfectly fine. Just make sure that you aren't breaking any of our spam rules: Posts should be on topic, include more than a single image or word, should not be the same message over and over again, should not include copy-pasted content from another site, and you should not be overriding the merge option multiple times a day just for the sake of earning more gold.

And remember that you don't get banned simply for breaking one rule. Mene still uses the infraction points system. You'll receive two warnings before getting an infraction and you must earn 1,000 infraction points before your account gets banned. It takes a lot of time and dedication to get to that point by just double-posting.