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R a n d e h
your best pal
R a n d e h is offline
Old 01-04-2014, 06:47 PM

Originally Posted by Roachi View Post
Ohh yay a twilight fan. *clings*
I agree randeh. That's why i like it, its easy to get lost in the love story.
I mean yes okay shimmering vampire = gay. But man wish i had a life like theirs lol.

OHHH i've read the hunger games. Loved that story x10.
First movie sucked. But the second was awesome!


It is a wonderful story! Like you, I agree that the shimmering vampire idea was lame and there were things in it that made me question the authors ideas but for the most part I LOVED it. The overall story, idea etc was great. The first movie was terrible, the second movie kind of boring (but the second book is also kind of boring), the third, fourth and fifth were AWESOME. 8D!

Okay so I saw The Hunger Games movie without having read the books and it was great. I loved it. Then I went and saw the second movie and it was AMAZING. I raced home, finished the book I was reading and started the first Hunger Games book asap. That's when I started to realize the first movie kind of sucked XDD A lot of stuff was wrong or missing! Not cool.

I'm almost done the second book though and I'll devour the third since it will all be new 8D!!