Thread: Earth Reboot
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Silver Storm
Carry On My Wayward Son
Silver Storm is offline
Old 01-09-2014, 12:56 AM

Silver heard the wind pick up and begin to rattle the trees at the same time the dog tensed and let out a soft growl. "What is it Black," she asked softly, speaking for the first time in a long while. The dog growled again, looking up into the trees as Silver sprang into the lowest branches of the nearest tree.

Black whined and paced at the base of the tree as Silver climbed nimbly up through the branches. Finally she got up high enough to see the dark storm clouds moving towards them, throwing out purple lightning periodically. Silver watched the clouds for a moment, not liking the look of them. After a moment she began to hurriedly make her way back down through the trees, dropping from one branch to another.

As she got down far enough to see the black canine again, she found him digging below the massive tree roots. Trusting her companion's instincts, having been saved more than once by them, she dropped out of the tree and moved in next to the dog to help. They dug frantically at the earth and suddenly it gave way, dumping them into a sandy-floored cavern underneath the tree.