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User = Linnea
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Old 01-09-2014, 04:42 AM

Welcome to Users' Pick! Similar to Admin's Pick, every week a different member with an incredible avatar will be chosen to win, the only difference is this time the winner will be chosen by the users!

This contest has gotten so large that it needed to be made anew! If you'd like to check out the winners from all the previous years please just snoop about here!

I'll explain how in the other posts, so please make sure you read every post to see how you can have a chance to win!

*Please note that this thread isn't here to replace Admin's Pick by any means, this thread is only here to give the users a chance to express their opinions on what avatars they like. Please no drama D:
*"User" account approved of by Sizzla. "User" account and "Users' Pick" idea by CrepsleyKabob and Muggles Running Amok

Last edited by Linnea; 01-04-2023 at 08:48 PM..