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User = Linnea
User is offline
Old 01-09-2014, 04:42 AM

1. Don't be stupid.
2. Follow the TOS or Linnea will eet joo!
3. Don't come here to start drama.
4. Don't nominate yourself with your mule.
5. Don't use your mule to vote.
6. Make sure you read the FAQ before asking questions.
7. When nominating, please host the avatar of the person you're nominating on imgur or imgbox.
8. If someone is nominated twice in the same round for different outfits, the first nomination will be the nomination for that week. The other nomination can be saved for the next round.
9. If you have a problem with someone in this thread, PM them, don't make a scene. No one wants to see any drama.

We have the right to amend these rules as we see fit. Please make sure you check back to see if they have been changed as often as possible. Thank you!

Q: Who is User?
A: User is an account made by CrepsleyKabob and Muggles Running Amok. They made another account so that when they felt they didn't have enough time to host anymore, the account was passed on to someone else; to make things easier, instead of having to re-do the entire thread, etc. The thread has been passed down to Sizzla, who has since passed it down to Linnea, the current User's Pick host.

Another reason for the User account is so we could play games on this account and use the gold as prize money, and use it to make outfits for this account. (No gold or items on this account will leave this account except as prize money.)
Most of the time if you see this account posting, it's Linnea. This account was approved by Sizzla.

What happens if there is a tie? If two or more people have the same amount of votes?
A: If there is a tie, then all the people who are in "1st place" will win. I will do my best to make sure everyone gets their full share of prize money (500g each), if not, I'll give out items or a bit less, and if worst comes to worst (which I'll try to make sure won't happen) the 500g will be divided between each winner.

Q: How many people can I nominate?
A: You can nominate up to 3 people. Keep in mind that you don't have to use all your nominations, nor do you have to nominate someone to be able to vote.

Q: Can I nominate someone's mule?
A: Yes, you sure can. Main and mule accounts are treated separately, so you may nominate someone's mule if you want, even if their main account is up for nomination.

Q: How many people can I vote for?
A: If there are less than 10 nominees, you can vote for 2 people. If there are 10 to 19 nominees, you can vote for 3 people. If there are 20 or more you can vote for 4 people.

Q: Can you win two times in a row?
A: No, you can't. If you win, you must wait a round before being able to enter, or be nominated, again. If you win you may still vote for others during your "time out", however. After one round, you may be nominated and win once again.

Q: Do I have to nominate someone to vote? Can I nominate someone without voting? Do I have to use all the votes?
A: You don't have to nominate someone to vote, you can nominate someone without voting, and you don't have to use all of your votes. If the person/people you felt like nominating has/have already been nominated, you don't have to nominate anyone. Only vote if you want to. And if you only feel that one person deserves to win, then you can vote for only that one person, you don't have to use all your votes. You don't have to do anything if you don't want to.

Q: Can I vote for the same person more than once?
A: No, you can't. As I stated before if you feel that only one person deserves your vote, you can vote for only that one person. Otherwise, though, you can't use more than one your votes on the same person.

Q: Can I vote for myself?
A: No, you can't xD; Sorry. You can't use your mule to vote for yourself either, though whether you convince your friends to vote for you is up to you. Just know that even if you get one or two of your friends to vote for you, it won't really make a difference anyway because most of the time the people that truly have the best avatars end up winning. If you have a good avatar, you might win, but if you need to resort to convincing your friends or bribing people to vote for you, it's pretty much a waste of time.

Q: Can I nominate/vote for YOU?
A: If you want to, why not? Sure. You can nominate Linnea, Sizzla, CrepsleyKabob or Muggles Running Amok, but please refrain from nominating User xD;

Q: Can I chat in here?
A: Go ahead xD But if you have a long-running conversation that isn't about avatars or avatar creation, I'd request that you move it to another thread.

Q: Why aren't you replying to my PM votes?
A: I hope you all understand, if I replied to every single one, counting up votes would take forever! It's just easier for me this way, it's nothing personal. I'll mainly only reply if you did something wrong, so not getting a PM back is a good thing xD

Q: Can you tell me how many votes I received?
A: Feel free to PM User or Linnea to get your vote count for the week.

Last edited by Linnea; 12-12-2017 at 04:29 AM..