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the Galaxy Fairy
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Libra is offline
Old 01-10-2014, 05:32 PM

Eclipse layed in the middle of a clearing, surrounded by the Star-Flower Woods. The treetops held their name-sake: Large flowers that would take both your arms to hold. The flowers had five triangular petals, forming the shape of a star. The flowers were a bright yellow against the dark green vines and leaves of the trees. Vines weaved through the treetops, and hung down carrying small pale white and blue flowers with them. The sun was just starting to sneak past the trees, letting direct sunlight shine on Eclipse's face.

She took a deep breath and kept her eyes closed, focusing on the warmth of the sun. This spot was always quiet, apart from the occasion birds chirping and the rustling of leaves. Eclipse used to travel the land, exploring more and more of it. The more she explored, the more the world changed. She'd always find water right when she needed it, and the rivers were never in the same place twice. Sometimes this clearing was deeper into the forest, sometimes there were empty cabins near the clearing. The only aspect which remained constant was the king's castle, a person was never more than a days journey from it by traveling to the east. Recently, she has been trying to come here everyday just before the sun peeked in to the clearing; it was her favorite spot during the day.

The faerie took the key from around her neck, and began looking at it. She had many questions: why does this world feel so amiss? What is this key for? What is my purpose?

After staring at the key for a little longer, a faint vision took over her.

She was in a dark room, the only light was shining through a window. The room was mostly empty: apart from a desk, some book shelves, and a cot. There was a man in an ornate blue coat and vest standing beside her. He was looking down at her, on the brink of tears. Finally he brought his hand towards her chest, but a glass case stopped him. As he closed his eyes, icy wings appeared behind him. Something else began to shine though, an item just under his vest. Before she could take a closer look, the glass became much thicker, distorting her sight too much to properly see through.

It wasn't the first time she'd seen that vision. Sometimes the man looked calm, others he was crying. There used to be a bed in the room, but ever since she saw the room ravaged, a cot has been it's replacement.

A shiver came over her. She quickly sat up, crossing her legs, and began rubbing her upper arms.

"Should I be looking for him?" Eclipse whispered.