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Kiyoto is offline
Old 01-15-2014, 12:35 AM

Yamato glanced at Halvard, then over to the approaching Loki and then Yue. Quite bold moves in the presence of their enemy, but then again at the moment, they all saddly seemed to be on equal turf. He remained silent for the moment, though he was very much paying attention. His mind at work calculating and analyzing the scene before him, even though on the surface he looked calm...slightly rather bored at the moment. He glanced over at Makoto, who's eyes were moving around a bit, to take in the scene around her.

He listened to Loki's words, and sadly part of it he was curious about himself. Who was this mysterious was he able to do all of this, and who's side did he align with. Something about him felt very powerful, and at the same time very dark and twisted. It was like a monster was hiding behind that innocent smile of his, but he seemed harmless enough for the moment.

There was more to this then they knew on the surface for the moment. He sighed slightly, his head begining the silent ache that signaled the coming of a fututre headache. Just what he needed, on top of dealing with all that had already gone on this day. He changed his stance for a moment to a still serious, yet more casual, least for him that is. His eyes rested on the one named Alacor once more. He remained silent even now, information and then questions.


Yue remained silent at the other coming down, and then Loki coming into view. His eyes silently moved to each party in turn. Electric energy within the air was lighting up his senses. He could feel the power buzzing in the air that was invisible to the others who were not able to deal in such abilities. It was coming mostly from the newcomer, but he could sense Loki and Yamato's energies shifting as well, with a mixture of curiosity and athouraty...maybe a bit of dominance? He sighed, placing the three of them together was like placing a pack of soly alpha animals together.

They would most likely tear eachother appart if they were not delt with or kept in check. He had no intrest in a fight though, but he could not be sure the other two would play nice. What was it this newcomer was doing here? Why was he interested in them? He obviously was a shi or something, the abilities and energy coming from him would have and could have never come from an ordinary human. He crossed his arms slightly, his eyes on Alacor as he attempted to figure this male out.


Alacor chuckled at Loki's words. He was rather blunt and straight to the point indeed. His eyes moved up to the sky, "it is we will not be interrupted by those who have no place in this little story.." He then looked down to them again. He raised his hand, giving it a slight wave. Within the air his hand had just passed over, three blue glowing cards appeared. One side was black, the other was the glowing blue with a depiction of a sun and a crectent moon. He pointed a finger at them, one floated to Yamato, Loki and Yue.

They hovered before the three men as Alacor spoke once more. "I am here on behalf of my master, to invite the three of you to a simple..meeting if you will" he says, "there is far more to what you refer to as the Shi No Ban'nin than you know. As well, if you are interested in knowing about the red room and death-" He paused, a slight clang catching his attention. He glanced over, seeing a very important player who had yet to come into play at this point. His smile slightly deepened.


Yuki paused just out of sight not to far away. He heard the male introduce himself, so...his name was Alacor. He felt an odd sensation move over him, his hand slightly moving to his head. It felt odd, like nausia but he was not going to be sick...a fuzzy, slightly out of body experience was begining to set in. He felt connected to all of this some how, but he was beyond unsure about this. Why was he feeling this way?

None of the others seemed to be affected like this at all, so why him? He glanced down, and almost gave a slight cry. His shadow had turned into the same red blood like substance he usually created and bent to his will. It turned into what looked like a hooded figure, reaching a long bony finger out to point at Alacor. This...this had never happened before? He took a step back, forcing himself to do so.

Unfortunatly, he hit a scraggly bit of scrap metal as he did, causing it to clang and shake. He froze, all around him it felt like the world had gone silent. He took a deep breath. His eyes had been on the odd cards, to which Alacor had just been giving the others. He was speaking about a meeting, when he had been interupted by Yuki. He felt the light eyes of the odd male turn on him, causing a deep chill to run through his body and soul.