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Kilia is offline
Old 01-16-2014, 08:14 PM

The dark brown haired male, hummed to himself as he strolled down the street, not minding the rain that was pouring down on him, chuckling to himself as he thought about his twin waiting to met up with him so that they could spend sometime together. He couldn't remember the last time that he had seen her, it may have been about five months ago. He watched as hatters, uni walked to where they needed to go as the huddled under umbrellas or the awnings that hung in front of the shops.

He ran his slightly scarred hand through his long hair, having pushed the braids that he had back behind his ears, as his blue eyes looked around for signs of where he was at. A frown crossed his features as he couldn't find the cafe that he was suppose to be meeting her up at. He pulled a piece of paper out as he started to read it as he turned a corner. Only to have someone bump into him, or maybe he bumped into them, it was vague to figure out. "Oi!! I am sorry okay?" he said to the female that seemed to jump down his throat over something that could have just as easily been her fault as much as it was his.

"Ya acting like this was all done on purpose. Personally I think that I am pretty healthy and nothing like an elephant or a fat oaf." he said to her as he bent down to pick up the items that had fallen on the ground. Brushing the water off the items, trying to salvage them for her. Tugging her and the items under a nearby awning, he looked them over, shaking the water off them before he looked around for something to cover them with. "We both should watch where we are going." he said bluntly.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

Rayn looked at the male, sipping her coco as she waited for his reply, not paying much attention to the other unis that were surrounding them. She watched as a female made her way to the back of the cafe, though her blue eyes were more turned towards the window. Searching for her twin, whom was late. A smile played at her lips as the Pyrate finally replied to her. "Oh..." she couldn't help the disappointment in her voice as she turned her eyes down to her drink before smiling again as she looked back up. "You see my brother is a pyrate also. So i was wondering if you worked with him. He does various odd jobs from time to time." she said to him in a soft voice, chuckling to herself as she runs her finger around the rim of the mug. She had to admit that his voice was easy on her ears and was a very attractive quality though he did not seem interested at all.