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Kiyoto is offline
Old 01-18-2014, 11:36 PM

Yamato noticed the look in his direction. So it seemed Loki had little faith that he would show hmm? A slight smirk tugged at the corner of his lips, but he pushed it away. He had little trouble in reaching out and plucking the card from the air, as if silently bidding he would attend. He was looking for information as well. He looked over it for a moment, before the sound of the clatter gained his attention. His eyes immediatly turned to a male who was not far from them.

He said nothing for the moment, clearly the boy had no idea what was going on, and had not intended on being seen. He made no move though, there was no reason to now that he had seen his face. He was a bit curious though, as to why this one was not 'frozen' either. He did not belong to C.R.O.N.O.S, could he be with Loki? He dismissed the idea, he probrably was not with Yue either. So, was this one a Shi to then? Just a rogue one who belonged to no group...Seemed he had just been foolish enough to catch the attention of all three heads there. He would look into it as well later.


Yue watched Alacor, then looked over as Yamato seemed to be the first to boldly touch the card that had been offered to each of them. He noticed the sound of noise not to far off as well, glancing over at a boy who was close by. Who was he? Yue had not seen him around before, but by the energy around him, especially right now, he was diffinetly a Shi. He could feel the hum of it in the currents of the air. It was slightly similar to Alacor's but...why? From the looks of it, the boy was not working with him, nor did he look like he really belonged there at the moment at all. Yue's eyes moved back to Yamato, then Loki in turn. He wondered if either of them would make a move to the boy. If they tried to harm him, weather this was part of this plot or not, he would defend him. There had to also be a reason he was able to move and see all of this. Who else was lurking around able to move?

Yuki felt the eyes turn on him, suddenly feeling frozen in place. His heart was racing within his chest, as his breath seemed to catch and his throat went dry. Well, he had successfully managed to get himself much for slipping away unseen. He tried to hide the fact that his body was wanting to shake at the moment, as he tried to will himself to take another step back. Unfortunatly, his body did not wish to comply. For now, he was where he was, his eyes moving from one person to another. Who were these guys? He could not help but to keep thinking that as well. What would they do, now that they knew he was there and watching. Would they hurt him? He might have no choice but to fight but...could he?

Last edited by Kiyoto; 01-18-2014 at 11:53 PM..