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flamethrower1391 is offline
Old 01-19-2014, 08:09 PM

Akira heard a commotion up ahead. Her brother Setsutarou was standing beside her with his hand on his katana, ready for anything that might attack. It had been days since anything interesting had happened. The two were headed to a town on the other side of the forest for a woman who was alleged to be a Lightwalker. Whether the accusations were true or not, they didn't care.

The demon woman sprinted forward, her weapon a kusarigama. She stopped when she saw a man protecting a mother and her child. She didn't know what from until she turned her head to the side to find a man on the other side of a tree to her left. By then, her brother was beside her, blade drawn.

The man looked odd. Everything about him screamed evil. Not that it bothered either of them. They knew evil. They worked for the Overlord, their adoptive mother died from evil, they were demons. Evil ran in their blood. But there was something else different about the man. He looked as if he was one of the tainted. Neither of them had seen a tainted before, but they had heard enough storied of them. Why the man was here, she could only speculate.

Her attention turned to the other three. The man standing in the front had to be a warrior of some sort. The way he stood and carried himself said it all. He was protecting the other two. Were they family? He looked nothing like them. Was he just some random passerby? Why bother risking your life for two meaningless ones against a tainted? Maybe one of them was a Lightwalker. They weren't too far from town. Maybe the tainted worked for the Overlord as well.

"I don't supposed any of you have been to the Light World? If so, I know of a place where you all can be safe from people like, well, this creeper," she said with a sweet smile. Her brother just stood there stern and focused.