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¿ʇəʎ ʇɹnɥ ʞɔəu ɹnoʎ səop
Suona is offline
Old 01-24-2014, 05:18 AM

But they eat grown mice, right? An adult mouse would be more expensive than pinky-mice

Yeah, and she's pretty funny

They have variable life spans, I believe. Depends on how they're cared for and their environment.
My grandma has a goldfish that she's had for years, and he is massive now. It'll play, too. If she puts a bobber in there, he'll grab it and drag it down and let it go whenever he wants to be fed. xP

Yup. They really didn't give a shit in my dorm either. You'll have some CA's that are strict and keep up with that stuff, and then others that you rarely even see at all that really don't give a shit. They're just basking in all the free-ness of being a CA. >_> I couldn't stand ours. He didn't do shit. People in the floors below us and next to us would smoke weed all the time and it'd come in through the vents and stink up our house, and the CA never did shit about it. I think he probably was one of the ones contributing to it. Made me furious.