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Kilia is offline
Old 01-27-2014, 08:08 PM

cobalt blue eyes looked down at the female, a tanned, scarred hand running through long dark brown hair once more before he gave a heavy sigh, smiling to her as if he didn't have a care in the world. "I was reading some directions." he said to her, sighing as he held up the now unreadable instructions that he been trying to make out earlier. He sighed again before chuckling at the fact that she sounded deflated as if all the fire in her had gone out. "I apologize for them getting ruined....but I am sure they could be salvaged. If you just dry them out properly." his voice sounded almost like velvet but there was no denying the husky deepness to it. As it clearly belonged to a male. He looked the girl over once more before blushing slightly as he looked away. She was soaked to the bone, from what he could see and some things were not left to the imagination, seeing as her clothes were clinging to her skin. "Are you sure they can not be saved?" he asked her once more, he didn't have the money to pay for them and he wasn't sure if Rayne would give him the money for something that was both their faults but then again his twin was rather kind and generous. "If you can not save them.....then would you mind coming with me? I can compensate you for the lost....." he said to her as he rubbed the back of his head. For a Pyrate he sure was more relaxed and friendlier then most.


"Oh....thank you for answering me though." Rayne said to him as she smiled sweetly, she couldn't help but tense slightly as she looked over to where a commotion seemed to be breaking out before turning away. It was none of her business and besides she was sure that Hotaru would be there soon. Once the male spoke to her again about her twin, a soft, caring, loving smile tugged at her lips as she turned her blue eyes back towards him. Though one was slightly lighter then the other. It was hard to tell if she could see with both eyes, seeing as in her real form she wore an eye patch. "That sounds like Hotaru. He was always flighty, could never stay in one spot but that is what makes him, him." she said as she chuckled fondly, looking back into her cup of coco after her eyes met with the metallic ones. "I see.....Thank you again. I was hoping you did know him. See, I worry about him greatly.....he tends to avoid talking about what he has been up to while he is away. I suppose it is so that I don't worry about him even more." she said softly, her eyes watering up a bit before she blinked them away, smiling once more as if all is well. "Ah! I am sorry. I am just babbling on. Thank you and sorry again for disturbing you." she said to him before she sipped at her drink.