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Pixel Pixie

Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 01-28-2014, 12:56 PM

Rikuno Sakurai
Rikuno Sakurai looked down at her clothing. It was a neatly trimmed outfit befitting those who went to her school. It reminded her vaguely of the outfits sailors wore in those American made movies she used to watch as a child. She didn’t anymore, she found them to be vaguely annoying to her now, now she relished in the thought of tradition. Looking down at herself once more she thought to herself, At least the skirt is long enough, not like some of those other uniforms. She let out a deep rooted sigh and thought about how she would much rather not go to school and stay home, home where she could wear her Kimono in peace. Hanako convinced her it was a good idea to stay and her family agreed, so she stayed, begrudgingly and all.

As she walked towards the school she could feel the shear amount of people all concentrated in the same place. She cringed as Thoughts and feelings raced to her one after another in droves. Joy over seeing your friends, laughter in strong groups, artificial fear and pain of undone homework and broken superficial high school love stories. It was painful being able to feel everything around you, it was not a physical pain but a deep routed emotional pain. Some days she wished she could just turn it off. Turn off the pain that was crippling to her, but it was not something she could turn off, nor was it something she could get rid of. Instead she had grown stronger for the pain and learned to push through.

She looked up at the school and the same deep routed sigh escaped her lips. She did this every day, pause at the entrance, dreading what was to come. One second passed by and the world stood still for her, five seconds in and she smiled. At ten seconds the world began to move on fast forward. A male student with malice in his eye pushed her out of the way on his way into the school. “Move over, your taking up the walkway!” he turned to look back at her and she simply looked back at him with those dark piercing eyes. She could feel as his malice changed to fear. “O..O..Oh its you Rik… I..I didn’t mean it I promise.” And then he ran away.

She was used to being treated with fear. Hanako told her a long time ago that it was because she was special, gifted. And that those with gifts would always be feared by those without them. But she knew better, it was her dark hair eyes and clothing paired with her strange behavior. Rikuno may be the heir to the Sakurai family and the rightful guardian of the Kakashi but she knew better. To the rest of the world she was distant and aloft. She was the weird girl. And people would always fear what they could not explain.

She shrugged and continued to walk into the school grounds toward her classes. As she passed under the doorway to the school she swore she felt something that was different, something not quite human. She looked around her for a moment in confusion. But as the flood of emotions from the school began to overtake her she lost the feeling and it went cold. She stood for one moment more before casting a final shrug and heading to class

Last edited by Cora; 01-28-2014 at 01:10 PM..