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Kiyoto is offline
Old 01-29-2014, 08:47 PM

Yamato was not a fool, he knew the other would not be to happy. He shared little care for what people thought about him. If he worried what every one of the members of C.R.O.N.O.S felt and thought about him, he would not be in charge. His job was just that, to take charge and to make the tough choices acting the way others could not in the face of all of this. "Both should be disciplined" Makoto said, looking at her files. He glanced over to her, "those with small minds will act and think as they will without knowing any better." She looed over at him, but he had nothing more to say on the subject.

The car took them back to the mannor, and the base. He made his way back down to the office. Makoto had called ahead, Rynn's desk already being cleaned out. Some people watched, others glancing as he came in. He went to his office, closing the door behind him. He moved to the desk, sliding open a drawer. A bottle of pills inside, which he slipped out one of. He did not use water, taking it the way it was. He sighed, brushing his hair behind an ear for a moment. It would not stay there he knew, but it was out of the way for now. He moved to a bookcase, to where a picture of his father sat, the old head of this organization. He picked it up, looking at it for a moment.

"Congrats....I'm turning into you" he said in a lightly cold voice. He allowed the picture to be sat back where it had been, but facedown now. He turned away, he would have paperwork to take care of and he knew it. Makoto came in after a bit to allert him to the fact that the confrence room was ready. He made his way to the room. It was large, a dark wooden table inside, with black chairs around it. It was crisp and clean in style, his hand lihtly running along it as he moved to the head of it. He slipped out a chair, files already set up. He sits, leaning back slightly in his chair. "Sir...forgive me for speaking out, but...perhaps if you allowed them to see..." she slowly began. "We have been over this" he said cutting her off, "now lets begin." She nods, going to get the other two.