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SuperZombiePotatoe is offline
Old 01-30-2014, 01:55 AM

"How could he not feel it?" asked Darcy frankly, looking quickly towards her sister. She was glad for confirmation that she wasn't the only one experiencing the strange sensation. Darcy had that it was a presence. The presence of something entirely unwanted in their school, in there world, and it was close. Her eyes shot around the school grounds. "It's almost as if someone... something..." Her eyes drifted towards the main entrance of the school.

Before it stood one of the largest men Darcy had ever seen. His back was towards them and Darcy wouldn't have noticed the girl he was facing had it not been for her legs. Sure more than ever that the feeling was emanating from this stranger, Darcy cocked her head in the direction of the door silently gesturing for her family members to look there as well. The second after she did so, however, the man glanced at them and then vaulted over the brick wall, quite inhumanly. No sooner had he done that did the feeling begin to recede, but not entirely. He was still in the area.

Finally she could see the girl properly and Darcy realised that they were in fact neighbours. Hanako Sakurai stood alone before the school entrance, but she wasn't alone for long. Rikuno, the Sakurai heir and Hanako's twin sister, walked quickly passed without so much as a look and joined her sister at the entrance. So she had felt it too. Darcy's curiosity was becoming too much to contain.
"Forget about being late," she said breaking the silence,"We're already late. I don't know about you guys, but I want to know what went on over there." Without saying anything else, Darcy began walking towards the Sakurai's. Hopefully they would have the decency to give her a little information. Hanako was always polite, but Rikuno could be a little bit... cold.
"Good morning, neighbours. Now, I'm not here to cause trouble or anything," said Darcy as she approached them,"But, I felt something. So did my sister and cousin and I'm sure you two did as well. I'm pretty sure it came from that guy" If he was even human. She focused on Hanako now."So it's a simple question. What went on between you and him?"

Last edited by SuperZombiePotatoe; 01-30-2014 at 06:38 PM..