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Old 02-01-2014, 05:15 AM

Breeds of dogs, cats, horses, birds. Whatever it may be there are those certain breeds that you know exactly what people are talking about even if they never name it by name. Just the description of shape, color, behavior or even social stigma.

I work at a petstore so I hear it all, also my gram speaks broken English so when she's trying to describe things she sees at the shelters it can be odd. She's looking for a new dog since her's recently passed away and her call today was.

"I saw this beautiful colored big dog, around 30 pounds too big for apartment. But big sweety, in the pen at the adoption, kept coming to me for pets and kisses. I knew I wanted that dog." "What kind was it granma?" "Oh you know the mean kind that people want to shoot, but this one was sweet and beautiful and lovely."

Name that breed!!

Hint: It's a Pitt-mix.