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It's quiet, now.
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Tachigami is offline
Old 02-06-2014, 01:32 AM

RED was growling much like Wolfe probably was. He could be as silent as a shadow, but couldn't naturally cover his own scent. He'd been sure the river would have scrambled the air with its movement, created such a heavy feel to the air that his scent would be disrupted, but apparently not. He could hear Wolfe bashing along, and finally stopped, breathing hard. Slamming his hand into his pocket, RED brought out a small device that attached painfully to his skin. It sent small pulses over his skin that transferred to his clothes, and he dove forward again, bursting out of the trees and looking behind him, seeing no one on the path.

Grinning, RED turned and sprinted, pacing himself as he ran but keeping himself at a quick and nearly unnatural pace. Few could keep up with his improved limbs and scientifically boosted system that let him run for hours on end at a swift pace. None could follow a track they couldn't sense, however.