Thread: Forgotten Wars
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Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 02-08-2014, 04:34 AM

Steel felt eyes on him, though he hadn't heard anyone walk down the hall. He lifted his head slowly and did his best to clear the cobwebs from out of his mind. Eyes focusing slowly, he took in the sight of the man who said he knew him. He licked his dry lips nervously and stared into the man's eyes, only showing his nervousness in small movements. To most eyes he would look composed despite his circumstances, but Steel felt as if he were on the tip of the knife waiting to fall.

When it became obvious that he wasn't going to be spoken to, Steel licked his lips again and decided to speak first. "Who are you? Why do you know my name? No one should-" he cut him self off and looked down. Maybe this was some kind of new ploy, a mental tactic to trick him easily into giving away information. Steel wasn't stupid enough to fall for that. "I don't know you, so whatever you think you're gaining by saying that you do, just give up. I have no intentions of breaking." Some of his usual strength came back into his voice and he glanced up with burning eyes. He was not weak and he wanted everyone to know it.