Thread: Forgotten Wars
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Old 02-08-2014, 07:18 AM

Aladdin? Was that the name of the boat? He hoped it was. Maybe it was. He could only imagine Dustin finally deciding to dig into the earth and pull out enough earth to finally understand the name of the boat. "I'm not sure why you remember so little... Maybe you were conditioned to forget a certain amount of your past. Maybe you pushed it away because it was easier to cope..." He barely remembered his goodbye to Dustin that day. Had it hurt? No doubt about that. It hurt so badly that Lee closed it off in a quiet little part of his mind.

He had to get going with his rounds, but didn't move yet. A guard passed him and gave him an acknowledging nod, which Lee returned with a curt coldness that sent the man walking a little faster. But when he turned back to Dustin his expression softened a little. "Dustin... I know because I was there. That other person there, the one you can't see, it's me. When we were young we decided that was our favorite spot to go. We went every day to escape our family lives. We sat on and played on that boat and skipped stones through the water, and we'd sometimes lose track of time there. We'd never run out of things to talk about and... would lose ourselves." He pulled his shirt sleeve up, and the bandage as well. "That looks like mine." He said, nodding to Dustin's. "I'm not fully sure where I got mine but I feel like we got the tattoos together." He slid them back down, shaking his head. It was the second of only two things he couldn't recall well.