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Rochiel Silverfire
♪♪There's a song in my heart♪♪
Rochiel Silverfire is offline
Old 02-08-2014, 07:29 AM

Time to play catch up!
Earlier this week my phone self-destructed on me and I had to go buy a new ($400+ =O.o=) phone. That wasn't so cool...but the phone sure is! It's an LG G2. The screen is huge, the sound is amazing, and I can have it sitting on the passenger seat of my car with the speakerphone on and both sides can be heard crystal clear! It also has a ton of storage space that means I can put a bunch of music and apps on it; including my new obsession: a pottery-making app!
I also found out that NICKEL CREEK IS GETTING BACK TOGETHER!!! After 7 years of heartbreak and longing, one of my favorite bands has a new CD, an upcoming countrywide tour, and a new streaming song to listen to! I'M SO FREAKING EXCITED!!!
I had some super delicious orange chicken from Safeway for lunch yesterday, then school was released two hours early because there was a winter storm warning. I wasn't able to make it up the hill to my house in my little Toyota Camry, but that's okay because my sister came down and rescued me, and now we have a whole foot of snow now and I LOVE SNOW!!! I'm planning on going out tomorrow to build a snowman (*Sings* "Do you wanna build a snowman?") or an igloo, since there's enough snow now! I've also been listening to the Frozen soundtrack and concentrating on memorizing all of them. I also got the two Hunger Games soundtracks, the whole Abney Park discography, and all the works of Celtic Thunder (one of my other favorite bands). School was canceled today so I got the day off, slept in, had grilled cheese and split pea soup for lunch, a chocolate chai latte for a snack, made a cosplay avatar of Vinyl Scratch, and played a whole bunch of Skyrim. Hooray for lazy days!

Last edited by Rochiel Silverfire; 02-08-2014 at 07:35 AM..