Thread: Chemical Love
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It's quiet, now.
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Old 02-09-2014, 07:18 AM

Cian should have understood Layland's interest, and shouldn't have underestimated his drive to know anything that might have baffled him. The prospect of dinner was brought up so casually that it threw Cian off entirely, and he could barely stop himself from shaking. Out, into the nearby town, where people could see him? Hear him? Where he'd no doubt have to speak to others on an open scale? Where any tiny mistake he made could be scrutinized by people that no doubt saw any possible mistake? No doubt he would look so out of place. He would be watched. Perhaps unnatural.

"Um... Ah, I don't... know. Yeah---I mean, n-no... I don't know..." He twisted his hands, shoving them awkwardly into his pockets. "Well... Yeah, I might be able to do it." He twitched his mouth into a small smile, barely looking up enough to catch Layland's expression.