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Disaster On Legs
Seridano is offline
Old 02-11-2014, 02:09 AM

Mr. Dedric and Dumphrey Tweedle
Twin millionaires, architects and next door neighbors of Hammerbottom's, the Tweedle twins have been both social outcasts because of their often uncouth antics and yet also desirables because of their incredible home design work. They have been known to try and push their luck and pull pranks just to watch others squirm.

Mrs. Bryony Rose
As the lead vocalist of "The Royal Gardenias" Mrs. Bryony Rose has developed an absolute lack of tolerance for being upset or upstaged. Her relationship with Hammerbottom is no more than as a measuring stick for her to gauge how fast she is climbing the social ladder and with the Red Lady in attendance at his party you had better believe she would show up.

Mr. Chadwick Tirtil
Mr. Tirtil was born into the upper crust but now he's part of what makes that crust... crusty. Inviting him to functions to class up the joint is practically tradition despite the fact that his thoughts are about as wrinkly as his face is. He was good friends with Hammerbottom's father but always viewed Gerontious as something of a brat-- then again all kids are brats to his eyes.

Mr. Harlan Pince
Originally Mr. Hammerbottom's personal accountant, Harlan has in the 4 years he has worked with Mr. Hammerbottom in a new position: His personal push-over. Too much of a doormat to deal with his boss directly, he has so far managed to avoid a psychotic episode. He was only invited over to fill a seat when another guest declined at the last moment.

Ms. Fiona Chester
An heiress to her father's mighty goldfish empire, Fiona spends more time playing and socializing than she does in any stuffy old office building which has definitely hurt the company. Lately she's been in the news for some less than complimentary reasons but that isn't going to keep her from visiting with her fabulous social circle!

Mr. Warren Black and Mrs. Ruby Stewart
Together Mr. Black and Mrs. Stewart have worked as members of the Hammerbottom kitchen staff for over a decade and in that time have found themselves convinced that they're ready to hit the road. Word is that the pair have been considering opening up a five-star restaurant specializing in tasty treats for those seeking sweets.

Last edited by Mythos; 02-12-2014 at 07:58 AM..