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Disaster On Legs
Seridano is offline
Old 02-11-2014, 02:14 AM

Mythos: And that just leaves...[checks her notes] the cooks. Then, hopefully we can get to the bottom of this tart caper and get the heck out of dodge.

Seridano: Yes, please. I'm all for wacky hijinks and drama, but even I have a limit.

Mythos: Maybe the staff will be a bit less...colorful...

Seridano: One can only hope. Though, somehow, I doubt it.

In unison: [They sigh as they make their way to the kitchen.]

Mythos: Excuse me, could we speak with Miss Stewart and Mr. Black?

Black: We're a bit busy at the moment.

Stewart: Would you mind coming back later?

Mythos: I'm afraid time is of the essence.

Black: Agreed. And these replacement tarts aren't going to bake themselves, or are you looking forward to having your head parted from your shoulders?

Stewart: I'm sorry, you'll have to forgive Warren, he's been a bit on edge since the theft. We all have. There was more than enough to do back here before everything went south, and now [she throws her hands up in the air].

Mythos: Understandable. There are certainly a lot of mouths to feed tonight.

Black: There always are, and do you know how much appreciation will be shown for our efforts? Not a wit.

Stewart: [Sighs] We do what we must.

Black: We could do better elsewhere. You know it as well as I do, Ruby. If you'd only agree and come along with me. We could make a name for ourselves.

Stewart: I...I told you, I'm not ready yet. We're not ready. In another year or so, maybe, but right now... [she chews on her lower lip, clearly distressed by the turn of the conversation].

Seridano: Sorry to interrupt your would be spat but, just as you have a kitchen to run, we have an investigation to run.

Black: [Grumbles]

Stewart: Ask what you will, but please try to be quick about it.

Mythos: To your knowledge, has anyone outside of the staff entered the kitchen?

Stewart: Not that we've seen, and we've been in here all day.

Seridano: All day? So how did a plate of specially made tarts make its way out of here without being noticed?

Stewart: Ah, well, we were away for the opening ceremonies.

Mythos: opening ceremonies?

Black: That's what Gerontious calls his post party speeches. He welcomes the guests, talks himself up, and tries to woo a favored few by showering them with lavish gifts and compliments.

Stewart: Mr. Hammerbottom requested that everyone be in attendance. We watched from the back with the rest of the household staff.

Mythos: And you were away for how long?

Stewart: About 20 minutes or so, if I had to guess.

Black: It was longer than that!

Stewart: [Shrugs]

Seridano: So, what you're saying is anyone could have slipped away and swiped the tarts during the speech.

Stewart: I...well, yes, I suppose so [she looks nervous].

Black: [Glances from Ruby to the detectives. His eyes narrow.] And that's the long and short of it, so if you'll excuse us, we have a lot of baking to do.

Stewart: Warren, please. [To Seri and Mythos: Would you two like a bite to eat while you're here? We've just finished baking a batch of triple fudge chocolate chip cookies]

Seridano: Don't mind if I do. [Takes a cookie].

Mythos: [Follows suits] Thank you very much, Miss Black.

Stewart: Don't mention it, dear. You two seem like you've been doing a lot of running around for Mr Hammerbottom. You deserve a little treat for your efforts.

Black: It'll be the only one you get. Mark my words, even if you catch your thief, you'll get no words of gratitude from Hammerbottom.

Mythos: To be perfectly honest, at this point, the unlocking of the front doors may be reward enough.

Seridano: You can say that again.

Investigation location: Conservatory

Investigation Options:

Look under the beanbags
Snoop around the sofa
Peep into the planter
Eyeball the vase
Take a gander at the trees
Leer at the chandelier


none yet!

Last edited by Mythos; 02-20-2014 at 06:25 AM..