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deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 02-11-2014, 02:15 AM

Investigation location: Conservatory

Investigation Options:

Look under the beanbags


The beanbag pillows don't end up being as fruitful as they once did but you'll not be leaving empty handed! Some careless plant seems to have not noticed your dutiful fluffing and poking pillows and dropped a leaf right onto your head. Well, well...! You're not getting that leaf back NOW, tree! Hmpft!

Snoop around the sofa


It didn't sound like that daunting a job until someone turned on the overhead spot lights and the room became blindingly brilliant. You feel your way forward into the room and, in the nearly oppressive whiteness, you hardly manage to get your hands on some lovely white earrings from one of the sofa cushions. For the sake of your eyes you decide that your retinas are worth more than finding anything in further.

Peep into the planter

EVIDENCE (+1 ticket)

Glittering from just under some of the leafs of fern in the planter you spy a fine but well-used pocket watch. The red and black stylish decorations on the face. From nicks in the gold you can tell that this particular pocket watch was owned by someone who probably fumbled with it often, perhaps even as a nervous tick.

Eyeball the vase


You lean over the vase on the central table right away and notice something floating in between the stems below... it seems you're not the only person who was sticking their noses there as you've managed to retrieve their glasses from the plant water.

Take a gander at the trees


"You might not want--" Hammerbottom starts to say before you find yourself bound to the trunk by wooden branches. "Oh dear..." It seems Hammerbottom's conservatory didn't just have any ol' trees inside. No problem, though! You're a pretty strapping detective... until those trees let you go you're willing to drag it around with you.

Leer at the chandelier

EVIDENCE (+1 ticket)

Whether by eyeballing or swinging on it, you spy some sticky red jam on the once pure white chandelier hanging above. Your curiosity gets the best of you and after some fiddling you discover that there was in fact every reasons to be suspicious of that chandelier when one of it's arms make a clicking noise and a panel near the corner of the room opens up... another secret passage!

Last edited by Mythos; 02-20-2014 at 10:43 PM..