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deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 02-11-2014, 02:18 AM

Bryony: What are you looking at?

Mythos: Hey now, there's no reason to be rude.

Bryony: I'm not the one who was staring.

Mythos: [takes a deep breath] My apologies. I didn't intend to stare, I simply have a few questions to ask you as part of the ongoing investigation. You've heard about the missing tarts, yes?

Bryony: Obviously. I wasn't born yesterday.

Mythos: What does that have know what, never mind. I'm not even going to go down that rabbit hole right now. Would you mind telling me your name?

Bryony: My name? My name? But surely you know it. I'm an honored guest. The honored guest. Gerontius himself delivered my invitation.

Seridano: And yet...

Mythos: [takes a breath] It's just for the record, ma'am.

Bryony: [offended] Ma'am? Hmph. Well I'd never! I'm hardly old enough to warrant a ma'am, and the name's Bryony, as in Bryony Rose. You know, THE Bryony Rose, of the Royal Gardenias.

Seridano: The what?

Bryony: The Royal Gardenias. The crème de la crème of the vocal world.

Seridano: [rolls eyes] I see. So, you're a singer then?

Bryony: A vocalist.

Mythos: Right, right, a vocalist. Of course. [sigh]

Seridano: So you can sing like a lark, lucky us.

Bryony: Now you're getting it.

Seridano: Riiiiight. Anyway, as my partner said, we need to ask you a few questions regarding the tart theft.

Bryony: Surely I'm not a suspect. I'm an honored guest, and besides, I don't even like tarts. Sugars do a number on my throat and I have a performance later. If you're looking for someone who enjoys eating everything in sight, you're much better off checking with him [gestures in the direction of the door where a portly fellow in red is meandering by, puffing languorously on a pipe as he goes. Her voice is filled with obvious disdain.]

Seridano: Let me guess, he's not a fan?

Bryony: Is that suppose to be amusing?

Seridano: Well, actually--

Mythos: [clears throat]

Seridano: No. No, of course not. My apologies. I'm sure you're voice is lovely and you have a plethora of fans waiting to fawn over you. They just happen to be conspicuously absent.

Mythos: [facepalms]

Bryony: [harrumphs] I don't need to listen to this! [storms off]

Mythos: Ah, wait, we're not done...yet. Well, there she goes. Good job, Seri.

Seridano: You'll thank me later.

[An hour later]

Mythos: Miss Rose, I'm sorry about earlier. We meant no offense.

Bryony: Hmph. As if I'd believe--

Mythos: Please, we only need a few more minutes of your time. What happened earlier was out of line, and we apologize.

Bryony: We? The rude one is absent.

Mythos: She uh...went to get some wine.

Bryony: I see...

Mythos: As I was saying, Mr. Hammerbottom wishes for us to ask a few questions to help get to the bottom of this. You're not a suspect--

Bryony: --Naturally.

Mythos: [takes a deep breath] Yes, of course, naturally. Why would you be? Anyway, you might have seen something that might help us unmasking the culprit.

Bryony: Ah, but of course. Why didn't you say so earlier? If Gerontious needs my help, far be it from me to deny him.

Mythos: Err...right...So, have you seen anything suspicious?

Bryony: Like I said earlier, go talk to the fat one. If anyone is likely to have stuffed those tarts down their gullet, it will have been him. He has no regard whatsoever for social decorum.

Mythos: I see...thank you for your...erm...valuable insight, Miss Rose.

Bryony: You're welcome. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go warm up for tonight's performance.

Investigation location: Ballroom

Examine the windows

EVIDENCE (+1 ticket)

A quick sweep of the windows finds you with one very nice, very lacy hanky. It isn't immediately clear whether this delicate piece is for a lady or discerning gentleman right off the bat. The cloth is absolutely pristine save for a faint hint of skin-toned foundation gives it's owner away as someone who wears make-up.

Pat down the curtains


As you make your way through the room patting down the curtains to see if there is something (or someone) hiding behind them you manage to knock a few of them down! You'll be seeing a few stars after that knock the curtain rod gave you on the noggin' but maybe instead of putting the curtains back you can pass the them off as an over-sized wrap?

Check under the chair cushions

Gently lifting up each of the cushions you relieve the springs and boards of there, uh, generous burdens. It seems some of Hammerbottom's previous guests weren't so careful about how much stayed in their pockets when they took a rest from dancing.

Search inside the piano


You lift up the back of the grand piano and peek inside only to discover a very... VERY long piece of rope. Why in the world anyone would have so much rope in such a fine room is beyond you-- it's beyond me!-- but surely the piano itself couldn't have actually been used with all of that rope in there!

Look around the statues

EVIDENCE (+1 ticket)

In inspecting the statues you notice some greasy looking smudges on one of their bases. The room must have been cleaned fairly recently considering the lack of dust ANYWHERE so such and obvious intrusion to the obsessive cleanliness to the house must mean that the smudge was made very recently.

Poke around the far table

Well there are pots... and a floral arrangement. Nothing too outside the box for a big ol' fancy house like Hammerbottom has got but inside those pots and arrangements are some squirreled away 'pocket change'. He probably won't notice you pocketing the money yourself if you manage to put everything back the way you found it!


Wyrmskyld - piano
Mnemosyne - piano
R a n d e h - curtains
fireprincess - curtains
Lunna Dea - piano
Mageling - cushions
blueblackrose - piano
wish - piano
dragoness129 - piano
shinigamikarasu - far table
Reveuse - piano
silvergamer - piano
p o p p e t - curtains
Miscreant74 - cushions
Shadami - statues
girlbot9 - piano
DivineHeart - piano
Aoi Kazuya - curtains
Damia Flagg - windows
SuperZombiePotatoe - piano
Arialys - piano
Velvet - windows
Roxxxy - curtains
Dystopia - statues
Rochiel Silverfire - piano
steelmagghia - piano
DariaMorgendorfer - cushions
Antagonist - cushions
Vox - windows
Xogizmoox - piano
Irishrain - piano
CrimsonShadow - piano
Arc Angel - windows
LaVida - piano
Zombie Pixie - piano
Iroase Delschatten - piano
KatMagenta - cushions
HIM_ROCK - curtains
Liztress - far table
sadrain - cushions
Mikio - piano
dessertdesiert - statues
pollick17 - piano
EirainHikari - piano
Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa - statues
The_Crow - windows
PrincessKasumi - piano
BellyButton - far table
Angel Spirit Girl - curtains
LizzyCollinsDeArc - cushions
Nephila - statues
Vickyll3 - curtains
Nerosity - cushions
Nemo - piano
Divacita - piano
Ivvy - piano
spicedroses - far table
Vanora - piano
hilarbees - statues
PapillonCameo - piano
ClockReject - statues
Neora - far table
lunanuova - cushions
~LONGCAT~ - cushions
Ethos - curtains
GwenaHikari - piano
Kamikaze Kendra - piano
hummy - piano
Kent - windows
Hadsvich - far table
Cardinal Biggles - statues
Aganab - piano
Chexala - cushions
Saravi Boo - piano

Last edited by Mythos; 03-23-2014 at 03:37 AM..