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deimoni isos
Mythos is offline
Old 02-11-2014, 02:19 AM

Dedric: Hey, there you are.

Dumphrey: We've been looking everywhere for you two.

Dedric: We heard there's an investigation--

Dumphrey: Of the tart theft...nasty business, that. I mean--

Dedric: If you're into that sort of thing.

Mythos: And you two are?

Dedric: Dedric and Dumphrey Tweedle, millionaires at large.

Dumphrey: Ooooh, I like that one. It's got a nice ring to it. Far better than the last.

Dedric: Doesn't it?

Mythos: [clears throat]

Dedric: Oh, sorry, right. Anyway, we thought we might be able to help.

Dumphrey: We know a thing or two about the goings on here.

Dedric: We make it our business to know things.

Except he's an incorrigible liar, so you probably shouldn't listen to a word he says. [gestures to his brother]

Dedric: Uhm, no, that would be you. I can't remember the last time a bit of truth passed your lips.

Dumphrey: Pot, kettle.

Dedric: You're one to talk.

Seridano: [To Mythos: I've got this one]
Boys...Boys! Please. Do the two of you know anything useful or not?

Dedric: 'Course we do.

Dumphrey: Like we said, we know lotsa' things.

Dedric: But we can't just give things away for free like that.

Dumphrey: Yeah, we're more in the giving hints business.

Dedric: So one of us will lie to you.

Dumphrey: While the other tells the truth.

Dedric: Keep in mind that he's the liar. [gestures at his brother]

Dumphrey: Am not!

Dedric: Are too!

Dumphrey: I am n--

Seridano: Boys!

Dedric: Sorry ma'am. Anyway, I spied a lady with jelly stained fingers.

Dumphrey: No, no, it was a man for sure, idiot!

Dedric: You think I don't know a woman when I see one?

Dumphrey: I wouldn't be surprised. You know, it's not nice to lie, brother.

Dedric: I'm not the one who's lying!

Mythos: Oh, I know this one! Dumphrey?

Dumphrey: Yes?

Mythos: If I were to ask your brother which of you is the liar, what would he say?

Dumphrey: Why, he'd say that I'm the liar. Of course, he'd be lying about it.

Dedric: Would not, you're the one who can't be trusted!

[They carry on like this for some time]

Seridano: Boys!

Dumphrey: ...err, yeah? [stops paying attention to watch a woman in a purple gown pass by]

Dedric: [follows his brother's gaze and sighs]

Seridano: Could you two focus for a moment?

Dedric: Yeah, sure...I mean, mostly. Kinda hard to focus with Ches here. I mean day-uhm.

Dumphrey: I know, right? She is fiiiiine. [looks at his brother and grins] You thinking what I'm thinking?

Dedric: We could slip something into her tea?

Dumphrey: Yeah...she didn't really like that last year. [frowns]

Dedric: But you'd think a cat person would be able to appreciate a dead mouse.

Dumphrey: You would think.

In Unison: Women.

Seridano: Seriously? What is wrong with you two?

Investigation location: Library

Investigation Options:

Sift through the bookshelves


With great diligence you set yourself about pulling out and thumbing through most if not all of the books in the library but not into the investigation a few too many books are still in a plastic sleeve... It seems Hammerbottom is less of a reader than he would let on! He notices you've caught on and for your silence you've been often a selection of your favorites from his shelves.

Creep along the catwalk


From the ground floor it doesn't seem like such a tight fit but once you're up there on the catwalk you notice that squeezing past the displays is a bit more challenging than originally promised. You almost make it to the doorway on the other side from where you started and accidentally bump a trophy skull off of the wall and... kinda busted it. Whoops!

Poke around the coffee table

EVIDENCE (+1 ticket)

It doesn't take much to notice the bright red teacup on the coffee table. It's clearly one of the pieces of the finer china. You can tell by feeling the side that the tea inside is still hot so it almost definitely belongs to one of the party-goers.

Investigate the armchair


At first glance nothing seems out of the ordinary but you don't leave things to that now do you? You shove your arms- your ENTIRE arms- down into the grooves around the cushion and dig until you find an antique pocket watch which eludes even Hammerbottom's memory!

Fiddle with the windows

EVIDENCE (+1 ticket)

There are a few things which are evident as you approach the windows... they aren't locked, they face toward the fence and, most notably, seem to have grown a white button and blue thread.

Comb over the floor


There isn't much in the well maintained floors but as you work your way to the wall you notice that there is a strange bit of wood tucked under a lip in the molding. You pick it up and find yourself surrounded by swirls and sparkles like... well like magic!


DariaMorgendorfer - catwalk
p o p p e t - bookshelves
Wyrmskyld - bookshelves
Aoi Kazuya - catwalk
Reveuse - bookshelves
Arialys - catwalk
wish - windows
shinigamikarasu - catwalk
Kamikaze Kendra - catwalk
Vox - bookshelves
Dystopia - windows
iamnotspam - catwalk
Mageling - bookshelves
Chexala - bookshelves
LaVida - bookshelves
Aganab - catwalk
Nephila - armchair
Rochiel Silverfire - catwalk
Irishrain - bookshelves
Angelbug - catwalk
Anlie - catwalk
Velvet - coffee table
Cardinal Biggles - windows
Mnemosyne - bookshelves
Ascadellia - bookshelves
girlbot9 - catwalk
SuperZombiePotatoe - bookshelves
Arc Angel - bookshelves
Iroase Delschatten - bookshelves
The_Crow - catwalk
Nema - catwalk
Neora - catwalk
DivineHeart - catwalk
HIM_ROCK - catwalk
pollik17 - bookshelves
KatMagenta - windows
dessertdesiert - coffee table
hilarbees - windows
blueblackrose - catwalk
Antagonist - catwalk
hummy - catwalk
ClockReject - bookshelves
Nerosity - bookshelves
zigbigadorlube - catwalk
dragoness129 - bookshelves
spicedroses - catwalk
beautiful_psycho - windows
Damia Flagg - armchair
~LONGCAT~ - armchair
Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa - windows
Vickyll3 - armchair
Miscreant74 - bookshelves
Saravi Boo - bookshelves
Ivvy - bookshelves
PrincessKasumi - catwalk
silvergamer - catwalk
Vanora - bookshelves
EirianHikari - bookshelves
lunanuova - windows
Liztress - bookshelves
Roxxxy - bookshelves
R a n d e h - catwalk
Xogizmoox - bookshelves
Angel Spirit Girl - armchair
Kent - catwalk
fireprincess - catwalk
GwenaHikari - catwalk
Hadsvich - books
Shadami - floor
Ethos - bookshelves

Last edited by Mythos; 03-23-2014 at 03:39 AM..