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Kiyoto is offline
Old 02-11-2014, 10:45 PM

Yuki had returned to the school, a lot on his mind as he did. He took a breath a bit, sighing slightly as he ran a hand through his haid. He had slipped off his hat as he moved to his desk within his next class of the day. He had smoothed things over with his mother well enough. He sighed, sitting there, looking off into space for a bit. His phone vibrated, and he slipped a hand into his pocket to pull it out. The number portion was blank. As for the message, it would have looked blank to anyone else but him. On the screen to him in red letters however, it said:


Danger? Danger from what? He sighed slightly, sometimes he wished these voices could be a little more clear with what they ment. He typed in his reply, waiting for a moment before the phone went off once more. This time it read:

From the trainyard, do not trust the lies that come with sight.

He sat back a bit. These messages sounded more and more like fortune teller jibberish than much else. The trainyard though stood out to him, it had to be people from earlier. He had led them right to him and his school. But why were they here? Were they that inrerested in him? He sighed a bit as the class began. He needed to be careful. He thought more about the lies that come with sight part. He wondered what that was about...and the connection to the trainyard. Wait...hadn't there been a guy there who was...messing with things... He tried to think, as the door opened, and a male entered. He sat down by him, introducing himself. Yuki looked up at him, a bad feeling settling in his chest. "Hi.." he replied, looking at him for a moment. His phone vibrated again, and he looked at the phone again. In red letters, it read:

Be on guard.

His eyes fluttered back to this male. The feeling intensified. This guy...he was new right? Kind of convienient, and even more so that he was signaling Yuki himself out. He put his phone away as class began. He knew something was going on, but for now he would play along. If this was who the voices ment, he would deffinetly be on guard. The class was currently working on projects within the class, going over histories and such. He never really got into history class that much, and rightt now his mind was even less into it. He did his best to keep his features blank and like he did not susspect anything. His eyes forward as they began breaking up into their teams. If the other pushed to join theirs, he would know then that there was more to this than met the eye.