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Tachigami's Personal Slave

NekoLen is offline
Old 02-12-2014, 03:13 AM

Akai felt as though there was some important meeting going to be held. He glanced to Connor and then to his mother, who looked slightly confused. Her English wasn't the best, but she could understand conversation well enough. She took to talking to Connor's mother in her broken, pigeon English that always made others smile. Akai looked down to his legs and felt oddly emotional as he always did when he realised he only had one arm out of four limbs others had.

His father entered the room with three mugs of coffee, blinking at the extra people in the room and then smiling to see Akai awake and sitting up. He placed the coffee on the table and shook the hands of Connor's dad. Everyone looked so happy, it was like a family reunion or something. Akai could almost forget about his current state. He pulled Connor close and managed to his the man's cheek, lingering to whisper into his ear.

"It's OK. You saved me. I don't care if I have... Well... At least the important parts aren't damaged." He grinned and winked.