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M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 02-15-2014, 01:34 AM

Originally Posted by Liztress View Post
We (NC) were only prepared for so much. Most of the major roads were salted but the area I live in is more rural than the major cities. So right now, our street is covered in snow. It's going to be a pain to go anywhere until it's all melted. And then it's going to be messy as heck.

I want to see that too! And I don't know... I just know that I liked the original and I'm holding out hope that the remake is good.

Oh, nice! I got Bravely Default and Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII (it's not here yet though...).
Ahh, the rural parts usually get hit the hardest and are barely taken care of.
Have the forecasted when its going to get warmer for you???

Woo! Yeah, Michael Keaton is in it, I looked it up on Flixster. :D

Honestly, I only saw one episode of Robocop where there was a fight or something then the guy goes to a womans aparment???
And she kisses him on the lips. Thats about all I know of Robocop.

Some reviews says its better than the original because of all the effects and improvements.

....I WANT BRAVELY DEFAULT AND LIGHTNING!!!!!! Nuu fair! I am so jealous T T;;

But I have played the newest Mario game. My bf and I beat it. There's 2 bonus worlds at the end.
&& we just bought Epic Mickey 2.

I really want to play the tomb raider game for 360, the new rayman, those ones we just mentioned, the new witcher pc game, and Mcgees Alice in wonderland: the madness returns. I also saw theres a new Fire Emblem game... I may want to play that too.

I havent played any other games except Pokemon X, although, I already defeated it.
I'm just filling up the pokedex.

Originally Posted by Dystopia View Post
... But aren't there like... Olympic rules that everyone has to follow? @___@;

... Jeez. So much for being a good sport to each other.
Yeah, they keep the standard rules but Russia wants to do things their way.

Yessums. I cant imagine how horrible everything else is. 'Cause you cant drink the water there.