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Nerosity is offline
Old 02-16-2014, 12:21 AM

I hope I'm doing this right..

1) What is the theme song to your life?
The opening from Stargate SG-1

2) When your sibling barges into your room without knocking, it's almost like:

Rap God - Eminem.

3) It's dinner time and you drop your fork. If this was a movie, and the fork fell in slow motion, what song would be playing?
Candyman - Aqua

4) You bumble your way over to your crush to give them a valentine, when all of a sudden your friends burst in song around you, singing:
Prof. Sycamore's Theme from Pokemon X/Y

5) You went to the movies with your date, but it was a horrible movie. In fact, the only thing you remembered about the movie was song during the credits. What song was it?
All I ever wanted - Basshunter.