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Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in exchange for your immortal soul.
Arc Angel is offline
Old 02-16-2014, 01:00 AM

Amory thoroughly enjoyed the performance, despite his prior pangs of anxiety. Throughout he maintained his composure well, keeping a straight, almost sorrowful facial expression to suit the atmosphere of the rich blues he sang to. On his higher notes, he received a group of welcome whistles, which he allowed to momentarily draw a smile to his face, but aside from that he did not allow a break in character until he had softly let out the last few notes of the song.

"That man's got a heart like a rock cast in the sea/
Or else he wouldn't have gone so far from me."
Once he let the last, low note part his lips, he drew in a deep breath and finally released a smile as applause rose up. "Yah too kind," he spoke humbly, sweetly into the mic before curtly nodding his head and waving at them. He then took his exit promptly, allowing the announcer back on stage to announce the woman to sing after him. Breathing more easily now, Amory lingered behind the stage as he was rushed a glass of ice water, which he took appreciatively. "Still got it, kid, and to think all the big names heard it!" The older man spoke up cheerfully and slapped him across the back, as if proud of him.

Having been in the middle of taking a drink, Amory opened his eyes, surprised, then swallowed carefully and chuckled. He was glad to not have spilled anything on his suit, be it water or otherwise. "Yeah," he began, thoughts adrift as he remembered of all the stars in the crowd. If he were lucky... maybe something he sung would have reached them. Maybe they would at least remember his name. He did not have high hopes, however, whether or not he was Carpi's prized songbird. He was still stuck; he still needed to do what was asked of him for now. "Thank ya, Joe. I think I'm headed back now, gotta clean up, then see where the big man has me seated out there." He replied in a friendly tone, grinning as the older man nodded and went off to serve the other drinks he held.

Running a hand up through his well-combed hair, Amory walked back to his dressing room, slipping his suit jacket off along the way. This left him in a button-up and the matching grey vest he wore beneath the suit, as he was comfortable, by the time he was stepping into the small room again. He walked through the door casually, hung the jacket up on the coat hanger beside the entrance, then looked up at the man that was already there. Blinking in surprise, he did not recall ever having met him, but from the way he dressed, he figured him to be someone that also worked there. Had to be. "Crazy night, eh? The place is filled to the brim with people - the most luxurious people... "He began, still a bit starstruck fro the crowd he had just performed in front of, and figuring that a coworker of his might be feeling similarly. Amory sat down, curious gaze still locked onto the stranger, not an ounce of suspicion in his expression. He really mustn't of seen this guy before-- he was sure he would've remembered him. There was something appealing in those curls that Amory wished to downright deny. He did not let himself look at men as he'd like to. He had gotten himself into trouble that way. Any involvement with them was just asking for more. It made things difficult for him, especially with the rumors going about.