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Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Shadow and Ice.
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Lunna Dea is offline
Old 02-16-2014, 03:59 AM

"I just ant used to being around the entertainment, so used to the other staff that I offered it out of habit." tapping his finger on his case Sam noticed Amory's fidgeting. must be worried about something but probable is not going to tell me what is on his mind. Amory laugh seemed to play up and down Sam's spine as he laughed. did the young man know what his voice and laugh can do to a human. this was not attraction like you would expect with lust. this was a fly in the web being pulled down into the darkness that was soon to be its death but still it was happy to go.

As he leaned against the wall outside Amory's room he slowly brought his fingers up taking in the musky sent with a hint of flowers to it. Closing his eyes he locked the sent into his memory only for a stronger whiff of the sent struck him in the face. looking up from his fingers he watched as Amory pass him going towards the door out into the main room. hummmmm I wounder where he is going? dont most singers not like to be out among their fans when they have more sets to preform later? then he realized that the other man had not completely said he had another set, sam had just assumed it. Mental kicking himself for that blunder he pulled off his bow tie and slipped on a simple black one he had hidden in his pocket. a tie tack and a borrowed top hat completed his look to pass as one of those rich men invited into the club and not one of the waiters. he tweaked his jacket just a bit and it sat perfectly, the tailoring just short of perfect. slipping into Amory's dressing room he pulled out the shoulder pads that had made it look ill fitting. while I am in here I better make sure. walking over to the dressing table he slowly lifted each of the bottles there and sniffed them. most were face creams and make ups that were needed to make one look alive on stage but the last one he found confirmed it. that flowery scent was from Amory it was not something that some one else had spilled on him.

Walking out he passed through the back stage area he nodded to the main stage hands completely avoiding eye contact with any of them. it was not that uncommon for a well dressed man to come see a singer or dancer, as there were a few here. but his eyes would make them remember him, and this time he did not want to be remembered. the sound of the band and the people seemed different as he stepped out into the club again. the sound was more cutting, false, cold then it had been before, or was it just how he not felt with what he had learned. Looking around he noticed a few of the Don's had returned from the back room and seemed to be in a jovial mood, sighing he avoided the eye of his employer as he fallowed Amory as the young man walked through the crowds.

Don Carpi smiled and waved Amory over to his table where two other Don's and their wives sat. "Amory! come here and meet your adoring fans." tuning to one of the smoke girls ((cant recall the proper name for them, they have the trays)) he whispered to her to get another chair for Amory. "I was just telling them about how you have agreed to join my humble band and add some class to my joint." His smile grew bigger as the young lady brought a chair up. "thanks sweety." he said as he patted her bottom as she turned to go.

taking a chair at a nearby table Sam watched the Don and his flirting with the woman. definitely not sleeping with Amory, not even sure that he thinks of his songbird that way. as a waiter came up he quickly made his order and handed the man a few extras to not come back any time soon after delivering the drinks.